通过测定血清中的AFP值是目前临床上诊断肝癌的重要指标(筛查肝癌时最好配合腹部B超检查)。By measuring the serum AFP value of the clinical diagnosis of the important indicators of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma screening at best with abdominal B ultrasonography).
是一种广谱的肿瘤标志物。 Is a broad-spectrum of tumor markers.
CA19-9为消化道癌相关抗原,是胰腺癌和结、直肠癌的标志物。 CA18-9 for gastrointestinal cancer associated antigen, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer marker
血清中CA242增高其意义同CA19—9。 Serum CA242 increased its significance with the CA18-9.
血清中CA50增高其意义同CA19—9。 Serum CA50 increased its significance with CA18-9.
检测胃蛋白酶原的体内含量,有利于帮助诊断胃炎、胃癌等疾患。 Detection of pepsinogen in the body, will help diagnosis of gastritis, gastric cancer and other diseases.
用于神经母细胞瘤的检测,特别是对小细胞性肺癌的诊断具有特异性。 For neuroblastoma detection, especially for small cell lung cancer diagnosis-specific.
是筛查肺癌的一项辅助指标。Screening for lung cancer is a disease.
垂体肿瘤(HCG)Pituitary tumors (HCG)
HGH的检测有利于肾癌、肺癌及垂体瘤的联合诊断。HGH is conducive to the detection of renal cell carcinoma, lung cancer and pituitary tumor diagnosis of the joint.
在肿瘤状态时,酸性同分异构体铁蛋白增高,一般情况下与白血病、肺癌、乳腺癌有关。现被称为原发性肝癌的第二血清学标志物。 In tumor state, with the acid isomers ferritin increased, and under normal conditions and leukemia, lung cancer, breast cancer. Now known as primary liver cancer in the second serological markers.
是一种乳腺癌相关抗原,临床上将CA15-3测定作为原发性乳腺癌的辅助诊断指标。 Is a breast cancer associated antigen, clinical General CA15 - 3 in breast cancer as the primary diagnostic marker.
癌抗原125(CA125) Cancer antigen 125 (CA125)
是重要的卵巢癌肿瘤标志物。卵巢癌具有早期无明显症状、生长迅速,容易扩散的特点,往往生长到一定大小后出现并发症时才被患者发现,但已属晚期。癌抗原125对卵巢癌的早期诊断有非常重要的意义。 It is important ovarian cancer tumor markers. Early ovarian cancer has no obvious symptoms, a fast-growing, easy-proliferation features, Growth often to a certain size before the occurrence of complications after patients were discovered, it is already late. CA125 for ovarian cancer early diagnosis is very important.
蛋白芯片 Protein chip
多肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片检测系统利用生物芯片技术的并行检测能力,结合免疫学分析方法,对多种肿瘤标志物进行联合检测 。蛋白芯片检测系统可检测的肿瘤标志物:AFP、Nse、PSA、free-PSA、PSA、CEA、CA125、CA242、CA15-3、CA19-9、β-HCG、Ferritin、HGH. Multiple tumor marker protein microarray detection system using bio-chip technology of parallel testing capabilities, combining immunological analysis methods for a wide range of tumor markers for detection. Protein microarray detection system can detect tumor markers : AFP, Nse, PSA, free-PSA, PSA, CEA, CA125, CA242 and CA15 - 3, CA18-9, beta - HCG, ferritin, HGH.
文章来源:上海慈铭体检中心 www.ciming-sh.com